Image Credit: Jeremy Fossum
Used for:
Junk - Acid
Junk - Adhesive
Junk - Crystal
Junk - Leather
Junk - Oil
Ammo - Fuel
Challenges - Daily - Kill a Floater
Floaters can drop the following items:
Floater Flamer
When scrapped, the Floater Flamer Pus Sac will yield Leather and Oil.

Item | % Drop Chance |
Floater Flamer Pus Sac | 100% |
Fuel | 100% |
Excess Adhesive | 60% |
Waste Oil | 100% |
Floater Freezer
When scrapped, the Floater Freezer Pus Sac will yield Leather and Crystal.

Item | % Drop Chance |
Floater Freezer Pus Sac | 100% |
Crystal Shards | 100% |
Excess Adhesive | 60% |
Floater Gnasher
When scrapped, the Floater Gnasher Pus Sac will yield Leather and Acid.

Item | % Drop Chance |
Floater Gnasher Pus Sac | 100% |
Nuclear Waste | 10% |
Waste Acid | 100% |
Excess Adhesive | 60% |
Farming Tips and Tricks
There are no skills or perk cards that affect the drop rates or junk yields.
Fixed Spawns
Toxic Valley
Willard Corporate Housing
5x Floaters

Darling Sister's Lab
3 x Floaters

3x Floaters

From the fast travel point, face South and follow the main road to the very end. At the school bus, turn left and follow the road until you get to another school bus on your right. Stand on top of the bus and face East. You will see the Floaters in the ground, in front of you.

New Gad
3x Floaters

From the spawn in location, turn SE and run forward towards the water. You will see the Floaters in the ground, in front of you.

Ash Heap
Red Rocket Filling Station
3x Floaters

Nicholson's End
3x Floaters

From the fast travel point, turn SW and run forward. The Floaters are to the right of the house.

Savage Divide
Safe n Clean Disposal
3x Floaters

West Tek Research Center
3x Floaters

From the spawn in location, turn East and run forward towards the Satellite tower in front of you. The Floaters spawn around the base of the tower.

Solomon's Pond
5x Floaters

From the fast travel point, follow the road North and veer right, towards the house. The Floaters will come out and attack you.

1x Floater
Stand on top of the house and look West. You will see a bridge over the water on your right. Walk from one end of the bridge to the other and the last Floater will spawn.

3x Floaters

From the spawn-in location, turn East and walk forward until you get to the ute/pick-up truck. Turn NE and jump over the ute/pickup truck and you will see the Floaters in the ground.

Spruce Knob Channels
4x Floaters

From the fast travel location, walk straight until you get to the edge of the water. Continue to walk straight (East-ish), through the water until you get to two small islands, one on either side of you. Walk around and over the islands and the Floaters will spawn.

Lake Eloise
6x Floaters

From the spawn in location, walk straight forward (East) and cross the bridge. The Floaters will spawn around the campsite. You may need to run around the island a few times to activate them all.

The Mire
Big Maw
6x Floaters

Big B's Rest Stop
3x Floaters

Cranberry Bog
The General Steakhouse
3x Floaters

From the spawn in location, run over to the Steakhouse. When you get to the car park, face West. You will see a small Gazebo in front of you. Run over to the Gazebo and the Floaters will spawn.

Old Mold Quarry
3x Floaters
They should spawn as soon as you load in, but you might need to run around the edge of the Quarry a few times.

Veiled Sundew Grove
6x Floaters
Run along the paths towards the center of the Grove.

Chance to Spawn
There is a 25% chance for Floaters to replace Mutant Hounds at locations with Super Mutation spawns.
There is a chance for Floaters to spawn during Daily Ops when the enemies are Super Mutants.
Public Event: Eviction Notice

Public Event: Radiation Rumble

Public Event: Safe and Sound

Random Encounters
Assault Encounters
Assault Random Encounter location guide here.
Floaters vs Scorched
Floaters vs Cultists
Floaters vs Blood Eagles
Camp Encounters
Camp Random Encounter location guide here.
Floater Hostile Camp
Super Mutants admiring a Floater
You will need to sneak up to really appreciate this encounter because as soon as they see you, they will attack you. Also, I suggest turning your sound up or turning subtitles on.
Object Encounters
Object Random Encounter location guide here.
Floater Ambush
Travel Encounters
Travel Random Encounter location guide here.
Floater Flotilla
Floater Flotilla with Behemoth
Floater Flotilla with Super Mutants

Hi, I'm Kat or Duchess
I'm an Australian data miner who writes farming, event, and food buff guides for Fallout 76.
I believe that all knowledge and information should be free, which is why my guides will never be locked behind a paywall. However, running a website and photo and video editing software does not come cheaply.
So, If you found my guides helpful, please consider buying me a ko-fi (coffee) using the link below.
All monies go towards the tools for writing my guides and maybe for an actual cup of coffee or 3 ;)
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