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Where to find and how to farm for Melon Blossoms in Fallout 76


Used for:

  • Lifetime Challenge: Pick a Melon Blossom or Melon Bloom

  • Steeped Melon Blossom Chai - Agility Herbivore Buff


Farming Tips and Tricks

The following perk cards, magazines, and/or backpack mods will increase your yields.



Whitesprings Restaurant - 3.12%

Random Camp Encounter - Food Trader - 2.63%


Containers and Collectrons

The Budding Apothecary Collector has a 5.56% chance to drop Melon Blossoms.


Fixed Spawn Locations

There are 34 Melon Blossom and Ash Blossom vines in external locations and another 14 (13) in internal locations.

When you harvest an Ash Blossom, it will show as a Melon Blossom in your inventory. Both types can be used in all Melon Blossom recipes and dishes.

WV Lumber Co.

1x Melon Blossom

From the spawn-in point, face North and follow the road down, past the trucks, to the gate. Either jump over or open the gate and walk through it. Behind the gate is a blue and an orange shipping container. Stand on top of the containers and face North. You will see a small farm in front of you. The melon blossom is on the last row of the farm.

Aaronholt Homestead

10x Melon Blossoms

There are two types of Blossoms here, Melon Blossom and Ash Blossom. When you harvest an Ash Blossom, it shows as a Melon Blossom in your inventory and can be used in all Melon Blossom recipes and dishes.

From the fast travel point, face South and run straight. Keep running all the way to the back, towards the cranberries, the shed, and the crop field.

Stand on top of the red tractor in front of you and look East. You will see a broken shed and some crop rows in the distance. Head to the crop rows as marked in the picture below.

The vines can be hard to see so I recommend walking up and down the rows and keeping count as you go along.


Map of Melon Blossom locations at Aaronholt Homestead.


Becker Farm

2x Melon Blossoms

From the spawn-in point, turn North. Run forward and stop at the windmill. Turn West and you will see a green wheelbarrow. The two Melon Blossoms are on either side of the wheelbarrow.

Vault 76

4x Melon Blossoms

Once you are at Vault 76, turn around so you are facing the vault.

Turn East and walk forward until you are standing on the edge of the paving and the dirt path and then turn North East. You will need to walk around the edge of the rock face. Maintain a northeast direction once you have passed the rock face.

Keep an eye on your left, for some ruined wooden buildings and a blue tent. Once you see them, turn and head towards them.

On the right-hand side of the blue tent is a broken barn. The Melon Blossoms are on garden plots next to the barn and the fence.

Morgantown Airport

1x Melon Blossom

From the fast travel point, turn and face North East.

Run straight forward, jump over the truck, and keep going until you get to the small farm at the end of the runway, near some wooden walls.

The Melon Blossom can be hard to see here, look for the single wooden wall that is near the green bungalow.

Stand with your back to the wooden wall, facing the farm and you should see the Melon Blossom vine in front of you.

Morgantown Trainyard

1x Melon Blossom

From the spawn in point, face directly West and you will see a red truck in front of you.

Jump on top of the truck and follow the trailer to the end.

Look West again and you will see a red shipping container, run over and stand on top of the red shipping container, and then jump onto the black roof next to the shipping container.

Turn to face the Gauley Mine Exit map marker, in front of you will be a metal camper trailer/caravan.

Walk over to the trailer and stand in front of the metal drum that is at the back of the trailer. Turn to face the train carriage and look down on the ground. The next Melon Blossom vine should be right in front of you. Yes, this vine is bugged and is glitched underground.

Wixon Homestead

2x Melon Blossoms

From the fast travel point, turn and face West. Run forward until you get to a white picket fence. Jump the fence so it is on your right-hand side and follow it along West. When you get to the end, turn and face the main house. The two Melon Blossom vines will be in front of you.

Lewis & Sons Farming Supply

1x Melon Blossom

From the fast travel point, run straight down the road until you see the Lewis & Sons Farming Supply sign. Turn right and then run forward until you get to the corner of the greenhouse. You should be standing in a green wheelbarrow.

In front of you is a Mr Handy, tending a garden patch. Walk over to the garden patch and the Melon Blossom vine is in the far right corner, behind the corn.

Poseidon Energy Plant WV-06

1x Melon Blossom

From the spawn in location, turn around and run down the road, towards the bridge.

Cross the bridge and continue to run up the road until you see a bus, crashed and on its side. On your right will be a dirt road.

Follow the dirt road down until you get to a camper trailer/caravan.

At the end of the trailer, you will see the Melon Blossom vine next to a metal drum.

East Mountain Lookout

1x Melon Blossom

Start to climb up the stairs on the lookout. The Melon Blossom vine is in a planter on the third level.

The General's Steakhouse

6x Melon Blossoms

From the fast travel point, run over to the steak house and head around to the back of the building. You will see the small brick-walled garden plot as you get to the back of the building. The Melon Blossoms are in a row on the right-hand side of the garden plot.

NAR Repair Yard

1x Melon Blossom

From the fast travel point, enter the yard and stand on top of the curved/dome shaped building, and look East.

You will see a fissure site and then some buildings beyond that. Walk around the fissure site and head over to the buildings.

Once you get to the buildings, stand on top of the curved/dome shaped shed that is attached to the house and look South. You will see a shed/barn and a grain silo. Head over to the grain silo and stand behind it.

Face South East and you will see a small patch of trees in front of you.

Walk through the trees and stop on the other side.

Turn SSE and you will see another patch of trees. Head towards those trees and stop on the other side inside the cranberry bush.

Line yourself up between the NAR Repair Yard and Lost Home map markers and walk forward slowly while looking at the ground. You will see the Melon Blossom a few steps after the fallen tree.

Skyline Valley

Camp Liberty

4x Melon Blossoms

From the fast travel point, face East and enter the camp.

Clear the camp of enemies and then run back and stand in front of the Todem Pole in the middle of the camp.

Face South and walk up the hill towards the Camping Zone and the green tents.

Keep walking South until you get to the campfire.

Face East and walk forward, walking around buildings, etc until you get to the green toilets/porta potties on your right.

Stand inside the porta potty that is lying on its side and face East.

Jump out of the porta potty and walk East. Try and stay as straight East as you can as this location has no landmarks nearby.

Walk East for a while until you see a broken shed and a windmill on your right.

The 4 Melon Blossom vines will be in front of the shed, next to the scarecrow.

Vault 94

14x Melon Blossoms

Note: One of the Melon Blossoms is unobtainable due to being out of bounds. So technically you can only harvest 13 vines here.

There are two types of Blossoms in this location, Melon Blossom and Ash Blossom. When you harvest an Ash Blossom, it shows as a Melon Blossom in your inventory and can be used in all Melon Blossom recipes and dishes.

Open the vault door using the yellow controls in the cave and enter the vault.

From the load-in point, the first Melon Blossom is in front of you, next to the skeleton in the vault suit.

From that vine, turn around to face the vault door. In front of you is the cat walk ramp and to your right is an open area. Growing on the ground, near the wall, another skeleton in a vault suit and a corn plant, is another Melon Blossom.

Go through the doorway and down the stairs to the marketplace. On the left is a large hole in the wall. Go through the hole and it will take you to the greenhouse. There are 5 vines in here.

Check the signs above the doors of the greenhouse.

Face Greenhouse 5 and there is a Melon Blossom vine out the front, on the right.

There are three in the corner, between Greenhouse 5 and the stairs to the seed bank. (refer to the photo if required).

The first one is on the left-hand side of greenhouse #5.

The next one is in that corner, against the wall, near a light blue metal crate. Use the Starlight Berry bush as a point of reference.

If you jump on top of Greenhouse #5 and face South, you will see a platform in front of you. The next vine is on the corner of the terminal/consoles, closest to the chem bench.

Jump off the platform, turn around, and face South.

Take the stairs down to the seed bank.

Enter the seed bank and walk forward until you are standing in front of Seed Bank T.

Turn right and walk through the door.

Stand on top of the desk and face North.

There will be some medical curtains/dividers in front of you/on your right.

One Melon Blossom vine is growing at the base of one of the dividers and the other is growing on the bench behind the dividers.

Go back into the Seed Bank and stand at Seed Bank U. Turn North and face the door that says "Atrium". Look down and you will see another Melon Blossom vine.

From the Melon Blossom above, head towards the Atrium. Stop in the double doorway and look forward to the Atrium. You will see a blue trash can and a table. The Melon Blossom vine is at the end of the table.

From that platform, jump down, run straight across the room, and jump up onto the platform on the other side/right-hand side of the Atrium. Look for the door marked "Operations".

Stand in the "Operations" doorway and there will be two Melon Blossom vines on the ground, in front of you.

From Operations, you want to head to the GECK.

From the last blossom vines, face East and walk through the doorway. Once you enter the room, you will see a door for Security on your left and a door for the GECK on your right. Enter the door marked "GECK" and then just follow the rooms around. There are no other doors or ways that you can go. You are looking for a regular-sized blue vault door that says "Vault 94 GECK Wing" when you hover over it.

Once you are past the load screen, you should be in a small room with some workbenches. Go through the doorway near the weapons workbench and out into the GECK wing. You will need to watch your rads here.

From the doorway, turn left and then right into the first doorway on your right. Run straight until you get to the Vault 94 stash box and then turn right. Walk straight again until you get to the doorway. Turn South and you will see another doorway opposite you. Enter that room and the vine is on the ground on the right-hand side of the door.


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Hi, I'm Kat or Duchess

I'm an Australian data miner who writes farming, event, and food buff guides for Fallout 76.

I believe that all knowledge and information should be free, which is why my guides will never be locked behind a paywall. However, running a website and photo and video editing software does not come cheaply.


So, If you found my guides helpful, please consider buying me a ko-fi (coffee) using the link below.



All monies go towards the tools for writing my guides and maybe for an actual cup of coffee or 3 ;)

Alternatively, share my guides with your fellow vault dwellers and help them to survive the wasteland.

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