Used For:
Weekly Challenge - Build a Taxidermy Bloodbug
Take a Camera Picture of a Bloodbug
Possum Badge: Gardener - Kill Bloodbugs
Take a Camera Picture of a Glowing Bloodbug
Tadpole Badge: Entomologist - Take a Camera Picture of a Bloodbug
Daily Challenge - Kill Insects
Weekly Challenge - Kill Insects
Bloodbug Meat
Bloodbug Steak
Bloodbug Pepper Steak
Bloodbugs drop the following items:
Item | % Drop Chance |
Bloodbug Meat | 100% |
Bloodbug Proboscis | 100% |
Farming Tips and Tricks
The following perk cards, magazines, and/or backpack mods will increase your yields.
Fixed Spawn Locations
Bloodbug Meat
If you find Bloodbug meat in locations not listed below, then you have found a raw food spawn location. These spawn locations use the raw food loot pool. So while you could get a piece of Bloodbug meat there today, it could be a piece of mole rat meat there tomorrow.
Point Pleasant
1x Bloodbug meat
From the fast travel point, run straight over the bridge.
Follow the road, keeping to the left and running past the hardware store.
Once you get to the back of the hardware store, turn right and walk straight until you hit a building. On your right will be a bridge covered in tree trunks and branches.
The Bloodbug meat is inside the bridge room, in the blood trough on the left.
Fixed Spawn Locations
Aaronholt Homestead
3x Bloodbugs (mixed insect spawn)
Head towards the backfield, behind the Homestead.
New River Gorge Bridge - East
7x Bloodbugs
Run across the top level of the bridge from East to West.
Bastion Park
1x Bloodbug (mixed insect spawn)
From the fast travel point, head towards the playground and there are insect spawns on both sides of the play equipment.
Dent & Sons Construction
1x Bloodbug
At the spawn in location.
Spruce Knob Campground
1x Bloodbug (mixed insect spawn)
From the spawn-in point, turn SW and run forward. Keep going forward until you get to a path with some ticks. Kill the ticks and then take the path on the right (South) and keep walking down. Take the path on the right and at the end, at the campsite, will be a Bloodbug.
Ransacked Bunker
4x Bloodbugs
From the fast travel point, turn SW and run down towards the water. Jump over the sandbags and the boat and keep walking straight. You will see a dead Brahmin on your left or the bloodbugs will attack you first.
Haven Church
4x Bloodbugs
From the spawn-in point, turn and face SW. Run straight, through the water and to the other side. The Bloodbugs will be within the circle of trees in front of you.
Crevasse Dam
3x Bloodbugs
From the fast travel point, face NE and run over to the back of the Dam buildings. At the back of the buildings is a bridge over the top of the damn. Stand on the bridge and face East. Jump off the bridge and follow the river bank on the right-hand side. Keep following the river bank until you see a dead Brahmin or dead Yao Guai. The bloodbugs can be found on the river, around the corpse.
Excelsior Model Home
4x Bloodbugs
From the fast travel point, turn and face East. Run straight until you see a broken bridge and a truck filling the gap made by the broken bridge. The 3 Bloodbugs will spawn near the Brahmin Corpse just before and to the left of the bridge.
Southhampton Estate
4x Bloodbugs
Bloodbugs spawn both inside the house and in the shed.
Skyline Valley
Old Rag Lookout
3x Bloodbugs
After fast traveling to the location, turn to face South and proceed forward until you reach the area beneath the lookout tower. Bloodbugs may not appear right away; if they don't, it's possible they were either defeated by someone else or are temporarily stuck. To encourage them to spawn, walk slowly toward the cliff's edge—this should trigger their appearance.
Chance to spawn locations
Camden Park
At the playground, at the back of the park.
Sunnytop Ski Lanes
In the building on the far left, downstairs, next to the lockers.
Dolly Sods Wilderness
In the building at the back of the area. Don't forget to check the mirror for the Healing Salve Mire recipe.
Crevasse Dam
Not to be mistaken for the above Crevasse Dam spawn location. This spawn location is directly behind the damn building, on the concrete path, on the right-hand side of the pond.
Haven Church
Not to be mistaken for the above Haven Church spawn location. This spawn location is out the front of the church, near the front door.
Thunder Mountain Substation
Inside the fence.
Dabney Homestead
Towards the back of the workshop, on the left-hand side of the outhouse and red wooden barn.
Watoga High School
In the canteen/cafeteria
Fort Defiance
Upstairs, on the second floor, as you are going up the stairs to check for Asylum Dresses.
Skyline Valley
Makeout Point
In the carpark.
Events and Pip-Boy Dailys
Big Game Hunter
Campfire Tales
Tea Time
Free Range
Spin the Wheel - Nuka World on Tour
Scorched Earth
Vendors/Camp Allies/NPC's/Containers
Higher chance to have Bloodbug meat in their inventory
Marie - Whitesprings Resort La Grand Gourmet (48.66% chance)
Grahm - random spawn locations (27.51% chance)
Whitesprings Train Station (19.73% chance)
Rudy Fernandez - Blue Ridge Caravan faction vendor. Generally found on the Ash Heap end of the Big Bend Tunnel (12.5% chance)
Responder faction vendor bots (7.04% chance)
Duchess - Wayward (5.99% chance)
Lower chance to have Bloodbug meat in their inventory
All 4.08% chance
Raider faction vendor bots (Sunnytop Station, Pleasant Valley Station, Pleasant Valley Ski Resort, inside The Whitesprings Resort, Sutton Station and R&G Station)
Neutral Train Station vendor bots (WS resort & Watoga)
Traveling merchant that visits your camp
Random spawn food merchant (server hop at Lost Home or at the tent behind Camden Park)
He has a 12.50% chance for Bloodbug meat to be found in his inventory.
Bloodbug meat among other types of meat and insect bits, can be found in various containers around the map.
There are no perks, perk cards, or magazines that can better your chances of finding meat in the below containers.
External - a location that does not require a load screen to enter.
Internal - a location or instance that requires a load screen to enter.
Super Mutant Meat Bags (1.54% chance)
Scorchbeast Guano Piles (1.54% chance)
The below containers receive an honorary mention but there are far too many of them to list.
It is worth noting that "Can Do" works on bear-proof trash cans, coolers, lunch pails, and fridges. So if you use canned coffee in your build, make sure to equip the "Can Do" perk card under luck for a better chance to find coffee.
Bear-proof trash cans (1.54% chance)
Coolers and Lunch Pails (1.41% chance)
Refrigerator's (0.29% chance)
Random Encounter Spawn Locations
Bug Swarm
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Hi, I'm Kat or Duchess
I'm an Australian data miner who writes farming, event, and food buff guides for Fallout 76.
I believe that all knowledge and information should be free, which is why my guides will never be locked behind a paywall. However, running a website and photo and video editing software does not come cheaply.
So, If you found my guides helpful, please consider buying me a ko-fi (coffee) using the link below.
All monies go towards the tools for writing my guides and maybe for an actual cup of coffee or 3 ;)
Alternatively, share my guides with your fellow vault dwellers and help them to survive the wasteland.