Yes, Melon Blooms do exist, and they are different from Melon Blossoms.
Used for
Lifetime Challenge: Pick a Melon Blossom or Melon Bloom
Steeped Carrot Flower Tea - Perception Buff
Steeped Melon Bloom Tea - Max AP Buff

Farming Tips and Tricks
The following perk cards, magazines, and/or backpack mods will increase your yields.
Melon Blooms do not grow in the game; they can only be purchased from Vendors or found in containers.
Vendors and Camp Allies
Duchess at the Wayward - 6.38%
Whitesprings Train Station - 7.41%
Marie from Le Grand Gourmet in Whitesprings Resort - 12.82%
Beckett (Camp Ally) - 3.29%
Xerxo (Camp Ally) - 3.29%
Sunny in Foundation - 3.29%
Molly in Crater - 3.29%
Emerson - 3.29%
Athena - 3.29%
Travelling Merchant at your camp NPC - 3.29%
Random Encounter spawn NPC - 3.29%
Grahm - 3.29%
Watoga train station - 3.29%
Whitesprings Resort vendors - 3.29%
Berkeley Springs train station - 3.29%
Responder train stations/vendors - 3.29%
-Camden Park
Raider train stations - 3.29%
-Pleasant Valley
Containers and Collectrons
The Budding Apothecary Collector has a 5.56% chance to drop Melon Blooms.

Refrigerator - 0.24%
Blue Cooler - 1.18%
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Hi, I'm Kat or Duchess
I'm an Australian data miner who writes farming, event, and food buff guides for Fallout 76.
I believe that all knowledge and information should be free, which is why my guides will never be locked behind a paywall. However, running a website and photo and video editing software does not come cheaply.
So, If you found my guides helpful, please consider buying me a ko-fi (coffee) using the link below.
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