With credit to Vicyorus.
This guide is for The Foundry, a location that you visit during the Union Dues mission.
This guide will cover all sections of the Foundry and all spawn locations for the Union Supply Crates.
The Foundry itself is split into 7 areas.
Chem Lab
Fire Pit
Twin Cauldrons
The Belts
All are clearly marked with signage. This signage might appear on walls or on the floor.
This is where you spawn in at, after the team leader has interacted with the wooden door outside.
Chem Lab
This area can be identified by all the extra machinary and consoles. It is also the first section you enter, after the tunnel.
Fire Pit
This area can be identified by the six large pipes, pumping hot melted steel into the channel in the middle of the room.
This area can be identified by the channel of hot melted steel running down the middle of the room.
Twin Cauldrons
This area can be identified by the two large vats filled with green goo.
The Belts
This area can be identified by the conveyor belts running through the middle of the room.
This area can be identified by all the shipping containers.
Map of the Foundry sections can be found here.
Location guide for Steel Ingots can be found here.
Location guide for Fanatic battle plan locked safes can be found here.
Optional Objective: Union Supplies
During Mission 1, Wicker will ask you to retrieve Union supplies.
There are 6 possible spawn locations within the Foundry, with only 1 crate spawning per expedition.
These are a little tricker to find, as there are no direct or area search map markers for the Union supplies (crates), until you get within 10 feet of them.
You will find the crate most of the time, by just running the main mission. There will, however, be times that you will need to go and actively search for it before you move onto the next part of the mission.
Once you are within 20 feet of the crate, you will hear a beeping noise. For those who played NW, it is the same beeping noise that indicated a large crate was nearby.
As you get closer to the crate, the beeping noise will get louder.
Once you are within 10 feet of the crate, a direct map marker will show on your HUD. To collect the supplies, just interact with the crate.
Spawn locations for the Union supply crates:
Chem Lab
Upstairs, in the blue metal building, on the South side of the room.
Fire Pit
Behind the three pipes, on the North side of the room.
South end of the room, behind the vat with the fire vents.
Twin Cauldrons
Upstairs, in the blue metal office, on the North side of the room.
The Belts
On the same floor level as the conveyor belts, in the blue metal office building, on the North side of the room.
At the bottom of the ramp, when you first enter the shipping container area. Inside the blue/grey shipping container on the right, in front of you.