With the introduction of the Skyline Valley update, new Random Encounters and Locations have been added. Please note that these encounters are exclusive to the Shenandoah region.
There are 11 Assault Random Encounter locations in the Shenandoah region. Listed below are the easiest ones to get to.
Location 1
Fast Travel Point: Rapidan Camp
From the fast travel point, turn SE and run forward until you reach the edge of a cliff. There should be a Raider checkpoint below you. The Random Encounter will spawn at the Raider Checkpoint.

Location 2
From the Random Encounter location above, turn SW and follow the road. Continue down the road until you see a truck with large pipes on the back on your left. The Random Encounter location will be just past the truck and the stone fence.

Lost Vs Yao Guai
The Electricians vs Blood Raiders
Super Mutants vs Yao Guai
There are 9 Object Random Encounter locations in the Shenandoah region. Listed below are the easiest ones to get to.
There are 13 Scene Random Encounter locations in the Shenandoah region. Listed below are the easiest ones to get to.
Location 1
Fast Travel Point: Abandoned Convoy
From the fast travel point, follow the road West. Go up the truck bed ramp and jump off the end. Continue walking forward and stop at the second "Island". Stand at the fire barrel on the side and face West. You will see a bridge in front of you. Run over to the bridge and turn right. Follow the bridge/path along until you get to the top of the hill. If you reach a trail marker display on your right, then you have gone too far.

Location 2
Fast Travel Point: South River Bridge
From the spawn in location, turn and face West. Follow the road until you get to the tree that is lying on top of the car. The Random Encounter will be near the car or to your left.

Location 3
Fast Travel Point: South River Bridge
From the fast travel point, head east along the road. Slow down when you reach the yellow bus on your right. Just a few steps past the bus, you’ll see a dirt track on your right, just before the Pioneer Scouts Parking sign.
Turn right and follow the dirt path. Pass the jeep and trailer on your left, and continue along the path until you reach a large tree in the center with a Ranger Stash on it. The Random Encounter is located in front of the tree.

Location 4
Fast Travel Point: Naked Creek
From the spawn location, turn around to face east, and run towards the main road. Turn north and follow the road until you see a rest area on your left with two portable toilets.

Killer Moe
The Musician
Hen Do
Ants at Picnic
Wild Wendigo
Mystical Junkie Merchant
Skeeto Spit
Super Stimpaks
Ballistic Bock
Cranberry Moonshine
Hard Lemonade
High Voltage Hefe
Mountain Honey Moonshine
Tick Blood Tequila
Vintage Lead Champagne
Vintage Nukashine
There are 29 Travel Random Encounter locations in the Shenandoah region. Listed below are the easiest ones to get to.
Location 1
Fast Travel Point: Makeout Point
From the spawn in location, face East and run forward until you get to the main road. At the main road, turn right and follow it down until you get to the tree that is half covering the road. The Random Encounter location starts just past the tree.

Turkey Tea

Hi, I'm Kat or Duchess
I'm an Australian data miner who writes farming, event, and food buff guides for Fallout 76.
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