Image Credit:
With thanks to vc59755, Nerditbabe, Trashy, Ratatumka, and Etulino.
The Science of Love Challenge is a limited-time event in Fallout 76.
Starting on the 4th of February 2025 at 12 PM US EST (at Atom Shop changeover), players can claim the Doctor's Head Mirror for free from the Atom Shop.
To participate, you’ll need to craft the Doctor's Head Mirror at an Armor Workbench and equip it. Then, complete a specified number of challenges to unlock exclusive, limited-time rewards.
Can we re-roll the challenges?
What happens if I don't complete 5 out of 7 challenges each week?
You are out of luck and won't be able to unlock the end reward. Sorry.
Can I complete these challenges on a custom server?
Can I complete these challenges on a private server, by myself, if I create a public team?
Can I complete these challenges in one day?
It is unsure at this stage, but all the challenges for the week will likely be released on the first day, allowing you a week to complete them.
Can I wear Power Armor while completing these challenges?
Sort of. If you remove your Power Armor helmet and equip the Doctor's Head Mirror while completing the challenges, then yes, you can. Otherwise, you’ll need to exit your Power Armor, equip the Doctor's Head Mirror, and complete the challenges.
Challenges and Rewards
Week 1 Reward
Complete 5 out of 7 Week 1 Challenges
Dopamine Wallpaper
Week 2 Reward
Complete 5 out of 7 Week 2 Challenges
Study of Love Chalkboard
Week 1 and Week 2 Reward
Complete Week 1 and Week 2 Challenges
Pink Heart Gobo Light
Week 1 Challenges
Kill 10 Super Mutants while wearing the Doctor Head Mirror.
Nuka-Cola Mix Pack
Kill 10 Feral Ghouls while wearing the Doctor Head Mirror.
Refer to the list at the end of this guide.
Basic Repair Kit x3
Scrap junk to produce 5 Fiber Optics while wearing the Doctor Head Mirror.
3x Perk Card Packs
Collect 10 Nuclear Waste while wearing the Doctor Head Mirror.
Take 10 Nuclear Waste or Nuclear Material from your Scrap Box or Stash Box, and it will count toward the challenge.
Scouts Banner
Collect 10 Microscopes while wearing the Doctor Head Mirror.
3x Lunchboxes
Collect 5 Human Skulls or Skull parts while wearing the Doctor Head Mirror.
250 Score
Collect an "Autopsy" board game while wearing the Doctor Head Mirror.
Where to find Board Games in Fallout 76
250 Score
Week 2 Challenges
Destroy 15 Robots while wearing the Doctor Head Mirror.
Refer to the list at the end of this guide.
Scouts Banner
Kill 5 Mutant Hounds while wearing the Doctor Head Mirror.
3x Perk Card Packs
Kill 10 Insects while wearing the Doctor Head Mirror.
Bee Swarms Count as Insects: Head to The Giant Teapot and speak to Sweetwater. Start his daily quest, and he will send you to a bee hive. Collect the honey, and bee swarms will spawn in the area.
Note: There’s no guarantee that 10 swarms will spawn at once. To refresh the spawns, drop the honey you just collected. This should reset the map and provide more bee hive locations for additional swarms.
3x Basic Repair Kits
Scrap junk to produce 5 Glass while wearing the Doctor Head Mirror.
Where to find Beakers in Fallout 76
Bulk Glass at the Tinker’s Bench, then scrap the bulk either at the bench or directly into your Scrap Box.
3x Lunchboxes
Deal 500 Energy Damage to Enemies while wearing the Doctor Head Mirror.
This challenge does not require a single hit to deal 500 energy damage. Instead, it tracks all your hits and adds them together until the total reaches 500 energy damage.
250 Score
Collect 500 Energy Ammo while wearing the Doctor Head Mirror.
Craft 500 Energy Ammo OR
Go and do a Daily Ops/Expo/Raid with an Energy Weapon equipped OR
Take 500 Energy Ammo from your Ammo Box and it will register for the challenge.
Nuka-Cola Mix Pack
Collect 3 Beakers while wearing the Doctor Head Mirror.
Where to find Beakers in Fallout 76.
250 Score
Location Guides
Feral Ghouls
Criteria for the List:
Locations with 10 or more Ghoul spawns to allow you to complete the challenge in one area.
Focused on external locations to avoid excessive loading screens.
Honorable mentions for events in those locations
Toxic Valley
All locations have less than 10 spawns
Big Al's Tattoo Parlor
Fraternity Row
32 spawns across those three locations
Fast Travel to the Morgantown Map Marker and follow the main road towards Big Al's Tattoo Parlor and they will spawn along the road as you go past.
Sunshine Meadows Workshop
16 spawns through the workshop buildings
New River Gorge Resort
15 spawns throughout the cabins and in the carpark
New River Gorge Bridge - East to West
15 spawns across the bridge, top and bottom
Kanawha Nuka-Cola Plant
9 spawns on the roof and around the edges of the Plant
6 spawns in the carpark of the Plant
More Ghouls can be found inside the Plant
Ash heap
Sal's Grinder
13 spawns inside Sal's Grinder and on the rooftops
10 spawns across the rooftops and in the building next to the workshop
Mount Blair
I would avoid this location because they are really spread out across all the buildings.
27 spawns in the buildings around Mount Blair
Fast Travel to Abandoned Mine Shaft 6 and run towards the workshop, checking the buildings as you go
12 spawns throughout the town and in the buildings.
Fast travel to the Lewisburg Station and run towards the town. I just followed the roads around in a circle and went into any buildings when I went past them.
Savage Divide
Sons of Dane
14 spawns within the gated compound, the trailers, and the main house.
Honorable mention to One Violent Night public event
New Appalachian Central Trainyard
21 spawns across the buildings and the train line.
Whitesprings Golf Club
30 spawns across the Club House and the Golf Green
Emmett Mountain Disposal Site
Honorable Mention to Radiation Rumble public event
Site Charlie/R&G Processing Services
15 spawns across the main building, the shed on the left-hand side, and on the roof.
Skyline Valley
All locations have less than 10 spawns
The Mire
Thunder Mountain Power Plant yard
11 spawns in the Plant Yard, not the Workshop. Head towards the Towers to find them
Cranberry Bog
All External locations have less than 10 spawns
Fort Defiance
Internal - 10 spawns, turn right in the main lobby, and wander around in that wing on multiple floors.
There aren’t that many robot spawns in the game, so I’ve listed them all. I recommend completing this challenge on a Private Server whenever possible.
Turrets and Vertibirds count as robots.
Check which "Kill a Robot with an X weapon" challenges you still need to complete—you might as well knock out two bots with one stone!
What counts as a Robot:
Bubble Turret
Enclave Turret
Military Turret
Mr. Handy
Tripod Turret
Workshop Turret
Zetan Drone
Ash Heap
Always Vigilant - Non-public event
Beckley and Sal's Grinders - External - 12 spawns
Encryptid - Public event
Garrahan Mining HQ - External - 2 spawns
Garrahan Mining HQ - Internal - 14 spawns
Most Wanted - Public event
Relay Tower HG-B7-09 - External - 7 spawns
Strikers Row - External - 3 spawns
Arktos Pharma - External - 19 spawns
Arktos Pharma - Internal - 22 spawns
Black Mountain Ordnance Works - External - 4 spawns
Feed the People - Public Event
Fertile Soil - Non-public event
Gorge Junkyard - External - 6 spawns
Mama Dolce's Food Processing Plant - External - 12 spawns
Mama Dolce's Food Processing Plant - Internal - 5 spawns
Torrance House - External - 9 spawns
Vault-Tec Agricultural Research Center - External - 16 spawns
Vault-Tec Agricultural Research Center - Internal - 8 spawns
Toxic Valley
Clarksburg - External - 16 spawns
Savage Divide
98 NAR Regional - External - 7 spawns
Missile Silo Alpha/Bravo/Charlie - Internal - Too many to count
Red Rocket Mega Stop - External - 18 spawns
Sugar Grove - External - 2 spawns
Sugar Grove - Internal - 14 spawns
Test Your Metal - Public event
Whitespring Mall - Internal - They just don't stop spawning
Skyline Valley
Hawksbill Weather Station - External - 5 spawns
Neurological Warfare - Public event
South River Bridge - External - 1 spawns
The Mire
Dyer Chemicals - External - 19 spawns
The Burrows - Internal - 4 spawns
Cranberry Bog
AMS Headquarters - Internal - 27 spawns
AWOL Armaments - Non-public event
Drop Site C2 - External - 2 spawns
Forward Station Alpha - External - 4 spawns
RobCo Research Center - External - 9 Spawns
RobCo Research Center - Internal - 25 spawns
Survey Camp Alpha - External - 3 spawns
Watoga - External - The robots just keep spawning. A fun Easter egg—if you kill enough robots, a Mr. Gutsy hit squad will spawn and hunt you down.
Hey there, I'm Kat, also known as Duchess!
I'm an Aussie data miner who creates guides for farming, events, and food buffs in Fallout 76.
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