With thanks to Garust, Vicyorus, Intrepid, SugarBombs.Rads, Coffee888 and Chraczil.
This guide is broken up into the following sections:
Nuka-Cade and Nuka Points
Nuka-Cade Games
Prize Terminal
Nuka-Cade and Nuka Points
The Nuka-Cade is part of the Nuka-World on Tour DLC that drops in December 2022. It can be found between the Most Wanted and Spin The Wheel event locations.

The Nuka Cade is basically an old school–style arcade.

There are games that you can play in order to earn points, which can then be turned in for rewards.
The Nuka Points can be redeemed via the Terminals, located on the left-hand wall of the tent.

The new Nuka-World on Tour events also reward Nuka-Cade points for you to redeem:
Most Wanted - 5000 points per successful event
Tunnel of Love - 5000 points per successful event
Spin the Wheel - 5000 points per successful event
Seismic Activity - 5000 points per successful event
These points do not show up in your Pip-Boy under collections.
You can check your total points by interacting with the prize terminal.

Note: there is a limit of 100,000 points

Nuka-Cade Games
There are 4 arcade games that you can play to earn Nuka-Cade points. Three of these can also be found in Fallout 4's Nuka-World DLC: Bandit Roundup, Nuka-Zapper Race and Whac-A-Commie.
You can purchase the plans for these arcade games from the prize terminal and then build them in your own camps and workshops.
These games roll a Luck check. If your Luck Special is high enough, you will be rewarded with extra points. When you receive these extra point rewards, they will show in a pop up on the left side of the screen. Regardless of how many extra points you receive, your total score will cap at 500 points per game.
Once you start a game, quickly activate the quest in your pip boy under Misc. It will give you a running total of your score on the right hand side of your screen.
Bandit Round Up

How to play:
The targets move back and forth. Use a ranged weapon to shoot them before the time runs out. You will receive score for each target you hit, and this score will be converted into Nuka-Cade points.
Build limit per camp - 1
Build limit per workshop - 1
Cost to play - 1c
Game duration - 60 seconds
Game cooldown - None
Minimum score to recieve points - 400
Max Nuka Cade Points achieveable per game - 500
The same rules apply for both the camp item and the one located in the Nuka-Cade.
Turn on damage numbers (settings > display). If you get a hit, the target will not be knocked down, but you will see the damage numbers. Your score is based on how many targets you hit.
Bottle Blaster

How to play:
Use a melee weapon to hit the cap at the base of the game.
You can also use gun bashing, but this is a strength-based game, so you will get better results with a melee weapon.
Build limit per camp - 1
Build limit per workshop - 1
Cost to play - 1c
Game duration - 30 seconds
Game cooldown - None
Minimum score to recieve points - 300
Maximum score - 1500
Max Nuka Cade Points achieveable per game - 500
The same rules apply for both the camp item and the one located in the Nuka-Cade.
Nuka-Zapper Race

How to play:
Use a ranged weapon to shoot the target on your bottle. Every time you hit the bullseye, the bottle moves higher up the wall. The first bottle to the top wins.
Build limit per camp - 1
Build limit per workshop - 1
Cost to play - 1c
Game duration - 60 seconds
Game cooldown - None
Minimum score to recieve points - 200
Maximum score - 300
Max Nuka Cade Points achieveable per game - 500
The same rules apply for both the camp item and the one located in the Nuka-Cade.
The Thirst Zapper weapon is the best choice for this game.
This is a co-op game. Once you start the event, you have 7 seconds for someone else to join you. Any players in the area will recieve a pop-up notification on the top left hand corner of their screen, letting them know that you have started a Nuka Zapper game.
All players will receive points, but the first player to reach the end wins the most points. If you play the game solo, the other bottles will move up on their own.

How to play:
When the commies appear, whack them with melee attacks before they go back down. You will receive 100 score for each hit.
Build limit per camp - 1
Build limit per workshop - 1
Cost to play - 1c
Game duration - 30 seconds
Game cooldown - None
Minimum score to receive points - 300 (whack three commies)
Maximum score - 700 (whack 7 commies)
Max Nuka Cade Points achieveable per game - 500
The same rules apply for both the camp item and the one located in the Nuka-Cade.
You will need to use a melee weapon to play this game, ideally a Commie Whacker.
(Note: If you fire a weapon with an explosive effect at the commies, the explosive splash damage will no longer hit nearby commies and count towards your score.)
Prize Terminal
Interact with the prize terminals to purchase plans, apparel and ammo using the Nuka Cade points obtained in-game.

Prize Level 1
Weapon: Pipe Pistol - 200 NP
.38 Ammo x16 - 100 NP
Paddle Ball String x20 - 100 NP
Boiled Water - 60 NP
Empty Nuka Cola Bottle - 20 NP

Prize Level 2
Plan: Goldfish in a Bag - 1600 NP
Nuka-World On Tour Shirt - 1600 NP
Plan: Nuka-Cade Snowglobe - 1600 NP
Weapon: Commie Whacker - 800 NP
10mm Round x28 - 200 NP
Baseball Grenade - 200 NP

Prize Level 3
Weapon: Thirst Zapper - 6000 NP
Nuka-World On Tour Jumpsuit - 2500 NP
Weaponized Nuka-Cola Ammo x6 - 1600 NP
.45 Ammo x28 - 600 NP
Arrows x16 - 600 NP

Prize Level 4
Plan: Nuka-World Speakers - 12,000 NP
Plan: Nuka-lele - 12,000 NP
Weaponized Quantum Ammo x6 - 12,000 NP
Weaponized Nuka Cherry Ammo x6 - 6000 NP
Nuka Quantum Grenade - 8000 NP
Nuka Grenade - 5000 NP

Prize Level 5
Plan: Bandit Roundup - 20,000 NP
Plan: Bottle Blaster - 20,000 NP
Plan: Nuka Zapper Race - 20,000 NP
Plan: Whac-A-Commie - 20,000 NP
Plan: Weaponized Nuka Cola - 20,000 NP

*All plans and apparel are tradeable
Thirst Zapper
Credit to Mike McKuen
You can purchase the Thirst Zapper (tier 3 prize) from the Nuka Cade Prize Terminal for 6000 points.
Once you have purchased the Thirst Zapper, scrap it at a workbench and it should unlock the plan to craft more Thirst Zappers. If it doesn't unlock immediately, earn another 6000 points and purchase another Thirst Zapper and scrap it again and rinse and repeat until the plan unlocks for you. Alternatively find someone who already has the plan unlocked and ask them to make and drop you some.
Now you need to earn another 20,000 points from Nuka World events. Once you have 20,000 points, purchase the Weaponized Nuka-Cola Schematics plan (tier 5 prize) from the Nuka Cade Prize Terminal. This plan will allow you to craft the 3 different cola ammunition at the Chemistry workbench.
Thirst Zappers are explosive by default once the nuka cola ammo mod has been added.
Use Super-Duper, Ammosmith, Chemist, and Ammo factory perk cards for maximum yield on ammo.
Start collecting bottles of Nuka Cola, Nuka Cherry and Nuka Cola Quantum. You will need one bottle for every craft. So, 50 bottles of Nuka Cherry will yield you 50 rounds of cherry ammo for the Thirst Zapper. It's a single shot wep, with mannerisms like a fat man or a single shot grenade launcher.
Once you have completed all the running around, you can now start to roll them with legendary effects.
List of all possible legendary effects available on the Thirst Zapper.
Credit to Chraczil.


Apparel: Nuka-World on Tour Jumpsuit
2500 Nuka Points

Apparel: Nuka-World on Tour Shirt
1600 Nuka Points

Plan: Bandit Roundup
20,000 Nuka Points
This is a playable item.

Plan: Bottle Blaster
20,000 Nuka Points
This is a playable item.

Plan: Mutated Goldfish
1600 Nuka Points.

Plan: Nuka-Cade Snowglobe
1600 Nuka Points.

Plan: Nuka-lele
12,000 Nuka Points
This item provides an AP Regen buff.

Plan: Nuka-World Speakers
12,000 Nuka Points

Plan: Nuka-Zapper Race
20,000 Nuka Points
This is a playable item.

Plan: Weaponized Nuka-Cola Schematics
20,000 Nuka Points
This plan unlocks the different ammo types for the Thirst Zapper weapon.

Plan: Whac-A-Commie
20,000 Nuka Points
This is a playable item.

Weapon: Thirst Zapper
6000 Nuka Points
75% chance to learn the plan by scrapping.

Image credit: nukaknights.com

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