With thanks to Garust, Vicyorus, SugarBombs.Rads and Coffee888.
This guide is broken up into the following sections:
The event
Where to find Buckaroos
All Buckaroo locations
Most Wanted is part of the Nuka World on Tour DLC that drops in December 2022.
This event will be permanently added to the Public Event list.
A notification will appear in the top left hand corner of your screen and in the World Activity tab in the bottom left hand corner of your screen.

No particular items or equipment are required for this event, but the following are recommended to make the event a little bit easier:
Lockpick perk cards or Master Infiltrator legendary perk card
Troubleshooter or Vampire weapons
Jetpack torso mod
Marsupial mutation
Speed Demon mutation
Turn off all unrelated event and quest map markers in your pip boy
This event will be difficult to solo only because you need to collect the 600 Buckaroos before the time runs out. The rest of the event is manageable.
The Event
Speak to Gunther to start the event.

If you can get your Intelligence to -1, then you can unlock a unique dialogue with Gunther.
The complaints note is also worth a read.

Once you have spoken to Gunther, walk over and stand near the Saloon and wait for the countdown to finish.
After the countdown is completed, you have 5 mins to collect and deposit 600 Buckaroos.

Buckaroos can be obtained by robbing the NPC cut outs and looting the safes in the area.

The Buckaroos are deposited in the wagon, in the middle of the street

You will need to hold down A to deposit the Buckaroos.

Note that other players and enemies can knock you while you are holding down A, which means that you will need to start again. Try to stand on top of the wagon or hold your character super close against the wagon to avoid being knocked.
Once you have collected and deposited the 600 Buckaroos, you will need to protect the wagon from waves of robots.
Bounty Hunter Bot - Assaultron

Deputy Bot - Protectron

Varmint - Liberator

At the 1.55 minute mark, it will hit "High Noon" and the Sheriff will spawn at the mine entrance.

Destroy the Sheriff (Sentry Bot) to end the event.

Where to find Buckaroos
Rob the NPC cutouts
Interact with the loot dispenser on the front of each NPC cutout when the light is green. The cutouts can be robbed multiple times, just wait for the dispenser to refresh and the light to turn green again.
There are 5 types of cutouts. Each rewards 5 Buckaroos per interaction.
Lady of the Night




Lady of the House

Loot the Safes
Interact with the safe by holding down A when the light is green. The safes can be re-looted multiple times, just wait for the safe to refresh and the light to turn green again.
There are 3 types of safes.
Wall Safe - Small and Medium
Rewards 10 to 15 Buckaroos per interaction.

Floor Safe - Small and Medium
Rewards 10 to 15 Buckaroos per interaction.

Large Floor Safe
Rewards 20 Buckaroos per interaction.

Find Buffalo Bottle
Rewards 100 Buckaroos

To "collect" the Buckaroos from the Bottle Cutout, you will need to find and then click on him and then deposit him into the wagon. The 100 Buckaroos will then be added to the total.
Find him by listening for his laugh. Bottle will laugh louder the closer you are to him.
There are 8 possible spawn locations for Bottle, but only one will spawn per event.

Find Cappy the Kid
Rewards 100 Buckaroos

To "collect" the Buckaroos from the Cappy Cutout, you will need to find and click on him, then deposit him into the wagon. The 100 Buckaroos will then be added to the total.
Find him by listening for his laugh. Cappy will laugh louder the closer you are to him.
There are 8 possible spawn locations for Bottle, but only one will spawn per event.

Note: Bottle and Cappy will only spawn at the 3:51 min mark, after Gunther has said his voice line.

Destroy the Gold Varmints
Rewards 100 Buckaroos each

One to three Gold Varmints will spawn during the event. They will show up as non hostile yellow dots on your HUD, so keep an eye out.
The buckaroos for each Gold Varmint will automatically be added to the total when each Gold Varmint is destroyed.

Spawn Locations

5x NPC cutouts

4x Safes
Wall safe
Next to the front door

Floor Safe
Under the stairs, under the bench, next to the Bartender NPC cutout.

Wall Safe
Upstairs, under the bench, near the Lady NPC cutout.

Floor Safe
Upstairs, at the end of the platform, above and to the left the front door

Bottle Spawn Point
Behind the floor safe, upstairs, at the end of the platform, above and to the left of the front door.

Cappy Spawn Point
Under the stairs, under the bench, next to the Bartender NPC cutout.

Gunsmith and Barber Shop

4x NPC cutsouts

2x Safes
Floor Safe
By the front door, under the ramp up, near the sign

Wall Safe
Along the back wall, next to the Bartender NPC cutout, behind the desk.

Bottle Spawn Point
Under the front porch, next to the Lady of the Night NPC cutout.


2x NPC cutouts

2x Safes
Wall safe
In the water trough, against the wall with the wanted posters.

Floor safe
In front of the red barn, at the bottom of the pile of hay.

Cappy Spawn Point #1
Under the Lady of the House NPC cutout, on the corner of the Blacksmith building.

Cappy Spawn Point #2
In front of the red barn, to one side of the pile of hay.


2x Safes
Floor Safe
Behind the level 1 locked cage door.

Large Floor Safe
Behind the level 1 locked cage door.

Bottle Spawn Point
Behind the 2 floor safes.

Green Building to the left of the Mine Entrance

2x NPC cutouts

2x Safes
Floor safe
Under the stairs, behind the green wooden bush cut out.

Floor safe
Upstairs, in the corner opposite the Lady of the Night cutout.

Mine Entrance

2x NPC cutouts

2x Safes
Wall safe
Behind the Mine sign, on the roof.

Floor Safe
In the wagon, on the right hand side of the mine.

Bottle Spawn Point
At the very back of the roof, on the left, near the backdrop, behind the Prospector NPC cutout and the green wooden bush cutout.

Cappy Spawn Point #1
At the very back of the roof, on the right, near the backdrop, behind the green wooden bush cutout.

Cappy Spawn Point #2
Under and behind the wagon, to the right of the Mine Entrance

Green Building on the right of the Mine Entrance

1x NPC cutout

1x Safe
Floor safe
At the back and to the right, on top of the pile of wooden crates and barrels.

Bottle Spawn Point
As you walk in the front door, on your left, next to the wooden barrel.

Church and Graveyard

2x NPC cutouts

3x Safes
Wall safe
Inside the coffin, leaning up against the left hand wall, opposite the green building

Large floor safe
Inside the church, at the top of the stairs.

Floor safe
In the graveyard, inside the coffin.

Bottle Spawn Point
At the top of the church, behind the large floor safe.

Cappy Spawn Point
In the graveyard, behind the tombstone, near the coffin.

Jail and General Store

5x NPC cutouts

3x Safes
Wall safe
At the front of the building, upstairs, behind the facade with the lights.

Large floor safe
In the Jail, behind the level 2 locked cage door, next to the Prospector NPC cutout.

Wall safe
In the General Store, on the left, on the bench, in front of the Bartender NPC cutout.

Floor safe
In the general store, under the ramp going to the Jail.

Bottle Spawn Point
In the General Store, behind the Bartender NPC cutout, in the gap between the floor and the ground.

Cappy Spawn Point
Inside the Jail, behind the level 2 locked cage door, behind the Prospector NPC cutout on the right.

Boarding House

5x NPC cutouts

4x Safes
Wall safe
As you walk in the front door, on your left, next to the Bartender NPC cutout.

Floor safe
On the right hand side of the room, under the bench, in front of the Lady of the Night NPC cutout.

Floor Safe
Under the first row of bunks on your right.

Wall Safe
Under the last row of bunks, against the wall.

Bottle Spawn Point
Outside and to the back of the building, on your left, behind the wooden barrels, near the outhouse.

Cappy Spawn Point
Under the middle row of bunks. You might need to move the straw pillow to reach him.

With thanks to Harnacke for helping to find some of the Cappys and Bottles.
Most Wanted Rewards
Most Wanted event rewards
Treasury Notes x3
Legendary Cores 1-3
Nuka Cola variety (Nuka Cola, Nuka Cherry or empty Nuka Bottle)
Aid (stimpak, rad-away, rad-x etc)
Ammo (random)
Nuka Cola Twist
Nuka Food item (full list and buffs here)
Caps (base 50c)
XP (base 200xp)
Nuka-Cade points (5000 points)
One of two event reward weapons
The Most Wanted event also pulls from the Nuka World on Tour generic loot pool. However you will only recieve one plan per event.
Imgur link.

A full break down of the generic loot pool and photos can be found here.
Weapon: Western Spirit (Lever Action)
+25% damage while aiming
15% faster reload
Increased ammo capacity

Weapon: Gunther's Big Iron (Western Revolver)
Two shot
25% faster fire rate
15% faster reload
Uses .45 ammo
+45% reload speed

Plan: Cappy & Bottle Cowboy Cutouts

Plan: Deputy's Hat
Note: The plan is tradeable but the actual hat is not.

Plan: Floor Safe

Plan: Most Wanted Snowglobe

Plan: Nuka World Cowboy Duster
Note: The plan is tradeable but the actual outfit is not.

Image credit: Sugarbomb.Rads
Plan: Nuka World Cowboy Hat
Note: The plan is tradeable but the actual hat is not.

Image credit: Sugarbomb.Rads
Plan: Outhouse

Plan: Poker Set
Bugged at time of PTS and not placing correctly.

Plan: Sheriff's Hat
Note: The plan is tradeable but the actual hat is not.

Image credit: Sugarbomb.Rads
Plan: Tombstones
Exactly the same as the ones used in the event

Plan: Townsfolk Cutouts
Exactly the same as the ones used in the event

Plan: Wagon
Exactly the same as the one used in the event

Plan: Wall Safe

Image credit: Sugarbomb.Rads
Plan: Wanted Posters

Plan: Western Mural
These murals are huge—2 foundations long.

Image credit: Sugarbomb.Rads
Plan: Wild West Show Entrance Sign

Plan: Wild West Show Posters

List of all Nuka World on Tour rewards

Hi, I'm Kat or Duchess
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