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Events in Fallout 76 That Reward Legendary Modules

Updated: 2 days ago

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Legendary Modules are only awarded if the event is fully completed successfully, or if certain conditions are met, such as having two distillers remaining.

Mutation Invasion events reward the same Legendary Modules as their regular versions.


A Colossus Problem

Conditions: Event Completed

Possible Legendary Modules: 5

Chance of Legendary Modules - 100%

Module Breakdown:

  • 5 Modules: 100%


Beasts of Burden

Conditions: Event Completed

Possible Legendary Modules: 3

Chance of Legendary Modules - 100%

Module Breakdown:

  • 1 Module: 48%

  • 2 Modules: 32%

  • 3 Modules: 20%


Campfire Tales

Conditions: Event Completed

Possible Legendary Modules: 3

Chance of Legendary Modules - 100%

Module Breakdown:

  • 1 Module: 48%

  • 2 Modules: 32%

  • 3 Modules: 20%


Daily Ops - Standard (Non-Repeatable)

Conditions: Elder Rank Achieved, once every 24 hours.

Possible Legendary Modules: 3

Chance of Modules: 100%

Module Breakdown:

  • 1 Module: 48%

  • 2 Modules: 32%

  • 3 Modules: 20%

Daily Ops - Standard (Non-Repeatable)

Conditions: Paladin and Initiate Rank Only

Possible Legendary Modules: 0


Daily Ops - Double Mutations (Repeatable)

Conditions: During a Double Mutation Weekend and Any Rank is Achieved

Total Possible Modules: 6

Possible Legendary Modules: 3

Chance of Modules: 100%

Module Breakdown:

  • 1 Module: 48%

  • 2 Modules: 32%

  • 3 Modules: 20%


Daily Ops - Double Mutation (Repeatable)

Conditions: During a Double Mutation Weekend and Elder Rank is Achieved

Possible Legendary Modules: 3

Chance of Modules: 100%

Module Breakdown:

  • 1 Module: 48%

  • 2 Modules: 32%

  • 3 Modules: 20%


Expeditions (Expos)

Atlantic City & The Pitt

Conditions: Expedition Completed Rewards are granted regardless of whether none or all objectives are completed.

Possible Legendary Modules: 2

Chance of Modules: 100%

Module Breakdown:

  • 1 Module: 100%

  • 2 Modules: 50%


Dangerous Pastimes

Conditions: Event Completed

Possible Legendary Modules: 3

Chance of Modules: 100%

Module Breakdown:

  • 1 Module: 48%

  • 2 Modules: 32%

  • 3 Modules: 20%


Distinguished Guests

Conditions: Event Completed

Possible Legendary Modules: 3

Chance of Modules: 100%

Module Breakdown:

  • 1 Module: 48%

  • 2 Modules: 32%

  • 3 Modules: 20%



Conditions: Event Completed

Possible Legendary Modules: 5

Chance of Modules: 100%

Module Breakdown:

  • 5 Modules: 100%


Eviction Notice

Conditions: Event Completed

Possible Legendary Modules: 2

Chance of Modules: 100%

Module Breakdown:

  • 2 Modules: 100%


Fasnacht Day

Conditions: Event Completed

Possible Legendary Modules: 3

Chance of Modules: 100%

Module Breakdown:

  • 1 Module: 48%

  • 2 Modules: 32%

  • 3 Modules: 20%


Feed the People

Conditions: Event Completed

Possible Legendary Modules: 3

Chance of Modules: 100%

Module Breakdown:

  • 1 Module: 48%

  • 2 Modules: 32%

  • 3 Modules: 20%


Free Range

Conditions: 1 Brahmin Left Alive

Possible Legendary Modules: 3

Chance of Modules: 100%

Module Breakdown:

  • 1 Module: 48%

  • 2 Modules: 32%

  • 3 Modules: 20%

Conditions: 2 Brahmin Left Alive

Possible Legendary Modules: 4

Chance of Modules: 100%

Module Breakdown:

  • 2 Modules: 72.66%

  • 3 Modules: 18.66%

  • 4 Modules: 8.66%

Conditions: 3 Brahmin Left Alive

Possible Legendary Modules: 5

Chance of Modules: 100%

Module Breakdown:

  • 5 Modules: 100%


Grahm's Meat-Cook

Conditions: Event Completed Less than 'Good' Tier 2 Achieved

Possible Legendary Modules: 0

Conditions: Event Completed 'Good' Tier 2 Achieved

Possible Legendary Modules: 2

Chance of Modules: 100%

Module Breakdown:

  • 1 Module: 40%

  • 2 Modules: 60%

Conditions: Event Completed 'Best' Tier 3 Achieved

Possible Legendary Modules: 3

Chance of Modules: 100%

Module Breakdown:

  • 1 Module: 48%

  • 2 Modules: 32%

  • 3 Modules: 20%


Guided Meditation

Conditions: Event Completed

Possible Legendary Modules: 3

Chance of Modules: 100%

Module Breakdown:

  • 1 Module: 48%

  • 2 Modules: 32%

  • 3 Modules: 20%


Heart of the Swamp

Conditions: Event Completed

Possible Legendary Modules: 3

Chance of Modules: 100%

Module Breakdown:

  • 1 Module: 48%

  • 2 Modules: 32%

  • 3 Modules: 20%


Invaders From Beyond

Conditions: Event Completed

Possible Legendary Modules: 1

Chance of Modules: 100%

Module Breakdown:

  • 1 Module: 100%


Jail Break

Conditions: Event Completed

Possible Legendary Modules: 3

Chance of Modules: 100%

Module Breakdown:

  • 1 Module: 48%

  • 2 Modules: 32%

  • 3 Modules: 20%


Line in the Sand

Conditions: Event Completed

Possible Legendary Modules: 3

Chance of Modules: 100%

Module Breakdown:

  • 1 Module: 48%

  • 2 Modules: 32%

  • 3 Modules: 20%


Lode Baring

Conditions: Event Completed

Possible Legendary Modules: 3

Chance of Modules: 100%

Module Breakdown:

  • 1 Module: 48%

  • 2 Modules: 32%

  • 3 Modules: 20%


Mischief Night

Conditions: Event Completed

Possible Legendary Modules: 0 - TBA


Moonshine Jamboree

Conditions: 1 Distiller Remaining

Possible Legendary Modules: 1

Chance of Modules: 100%

Module Breakdown:

  • 1 Module: 100%

Conditions: 2 Distillers Remaining

Possible Legendary Modules: 2

Chance of Modules: 100%

Module Breakdown:

  • 1 Module: 40%

  • 2 Modules: 60%

Conditions: 3 Distillers Remaining

Total Possible Modules: 6

Possible Legendary Modules: 3

Chance of Modules: 100%

Module Breakdown:

  • 1 Module: 48%

  • 2 Modules: 32%

  • 3 Modules: 20%


Conditions: 60 Gulpur Venom Deposited Into Bathtub

Possible Legendary Modules: 3

Chance of Modules: 100%

Module Breakdown:

  • 1 Module: 48%

  • 2 Modules: 32%

  • 3 Modules: 20%


Most Wanted

Conditions: Event Completed

Possible Legendary Modules: 2

Chance of Modules: 100%

Module Breakdown:

  • 1 Module: 40%

  • 2 Modules: 60%


Neurological Warfare

Conditions: Event Completed

Possible Legendary Modules: 2

Chance of Modules: 100%

Module Breakdown:

  • 1 Module: 100%

  • 2 Modules: 100%


One Violent Night

Conditions: Event Completed

Total Possible Modules: 6

Possible Legendary Modules: 3

Chance of Modules: 100%

Module Breakdown:

  • 1 Module: 48%

  • 2 Modules: 32%

  • 3 Modules: 20%


Conditions: If players collectively defeat the Nightstalker using only unarmed and gauntlet weapon attacks.

Possible Legendary Modules: 3

Chance of Modules: 100%

Module Breakdown:

  • 1 Module: 48%

  • 2 Modules: 32%

  • 3 Modules: 20%

Note: Using the Guitar Sword, War Drum, or Death Tambo as weapons during the event will fill the bar faster.


Primal Cuts

Conditions: Event Completed

Possible Legendary Modules: 0


Project Paradise

Conditions: 1 Creature Left Alive

Possible Legendary Modules: 3

Chance of Modules: 100%

Module Breakdown:

  • 1 Module: 48%

  • 2 Modules: 32%

  • 3 Modules: 20%

Conditions: 2 Creatures Left Alive

Possible Legendary Modules: 4

Chance of Modules: 100%

Module Breakdown:

  • 2 Modules: 72.66%

  • 3 Modules: 18.66%

  • 4 Modules: 8.66%

Conditions: All 3 Creatures Left Alive

Possible Legendary Modules: 5

Chance of Modules: 100%

Module Breakdown:

  • 5 Modules: 100%


Radiation Rumble

Conditions: Event Completed

Possible Legendary Modules: 3

Chance of Modules: 100%

Module Breakdown:

  • 1 Module: 48%

  • 2 Modules: 32%

  • 3 Modules: 20%


Safe and Sound

Conditions: Event Completed

Possible Legendary Modules: 3

Chance of Modules: 100%

Module Breakdown:

  • 1 Module: 48%

  • 2 Modules: 32%

  • 3 Modules: 20%


Scorched Earth

Conditions: Event Completed

Possible Legendary Modules: 2

Chance of Modules: 100%

Module Breakdown:

  • 1 Module: 100%

  • 2 Modules: 100%


Seismic Activity

Conditions: Event Completed

Possible Legendary Modules: 3

Chance of Modules: 100%

Module Breakdown:

  • 1 Module: 48%

  • 2 Modules: 32%

  • 3 Modules: 20%


Spin The Wheel

Conditions: Event Completed

Possible Legendary Modules: 3

Chance of Modules: 100%

Module Breakdown:

  • 1 Module: 48%

  • 2 Modules: 32%

  • 3 Modules: 20%


Swarm of Suitors

Conditions: You Must Allow the Mirelurk Queen to Spawn and Destroy Her Before the Timer Ends

Possible Legendary Modules: 3

Chance of Modules: 100%

Module Breakdown:

  • 1 Module: 48%

  • 2 Modules: 32%

  • 3 Modules: 20%


Tea Time

Conditions: Event Completed

Possible Legendary Modules: 3

Chance of Modules: 100%

Module Breakdown:

  • 1 Module: 48%

  • 2 Modules: 32%

  • 3 Modules: 20%


Test Your Metal

Conditions: Event Completed

Possible Legendary Modules: 3

Chance of Modules: 100%

Module Breakdown:

  • 1 Module: 48%

  • 2 Modules: 32%

  • 3 Modules: 20%


The Mothman Equinox

Conditions: Event Completed Regardless of Whether 1, 2, or 3 Pyres Remain

Possible Legendary Modules: 1

Chance of Modules: 100%

Module Breakdown:

  • 1 Module: 100%


The Path to Enlightenment

Conditions: Event Completed

Possible Legendary Modules: 3

Chance of Modules: 100%

Module Breakdown:

  • 1 Module: 48%

  • 2 Modules: 32%

  • 3 Modules: 20%


Tunnel of Love

Conditions: Event Completed

Possible Legendary Modules: 2

Chance of Modules: 100%

Module Breakdown:

  • 1 Module: 40%

  • 2 Modules: 60%


Uranium Fever

Conditions: Event Completed

Possible Legendary Modules: 3

Chance of Modules: 100%

Module Breakdown:

  • 1 Module: 48%

  • 2 Modules: 32%

  • 3 Modules: 20%


Hey there, I'm Kat, also known as Duchess!

I'm an Aussie data miner who creates guides for farming, events, and food buffs in Fallout 76.

I firmly believe that knowledge should be accessible to everyone, so my guides will always be free. However, maintaining a website and using photo and video editing software can be costly.

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- Share My Guides: Help your fellow vault dwellers by sharing my guides.

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- One-Time Donation: Buy me a coffee.

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Every bit of support helps cover the costs of creating these guides and maybe even gets me a cup of coffee or three ;)

Thanks for your support!


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