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Time for a good old fashioned Deathclaw cookout!
Generates meat based meals.
This item cannot be built inside of a Shelter.
Deathclaw Slow Roaster

30-minute Carnivore Food Buffs
Deathclaw Egg Omelette - HP Regen Buff
Deathclaw Steak - Strength Buff
Hotdog - Max HP Buff
Radrat Steak - Perception Buff
Grilled Radroach - Endurance Buff
Radscorpion Steak - Energy Resistance Buff
Grilled Radtoad - Carry Weight Buff
Build limit per camp
1 per camp
Build limit per workshop
1 per workshop
Shares a build limit with
Found under X in the camp build menu
10 Pounds
Obtainable via
Atom Shop - Deathclaw Slow Roaster - X Atoms
Atom Shop - X Bundle - X Atoms
Produces X amount per
10 minutes and 12 seconds
Power Required
Flamingo Units
1 Flamingo Unit

Hey there, I'm Kat, also known as Duchess!
I'm an Aussie data miner who creates guides for farming, events, and food buffs in Fallout 76.
I firmly believe that knowledge should be accessible to everyone, so my guides will always be free. However, maintaining a website and using photo and video editing software can be costly.
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Every bit of support helps cover the costs of creating these guides and maybe even gets me a cup of coffee or three ;)
Thanks for your support!