Image credit: SugarBombs.RADS
Important Information
All plans are character-locked and are non-tradeable.
Some plans are locked to certain expeditions.
Once you have learned a plan, it will remove it from the loot pool. This helps to make your loot pool smaller.
Only one unlearnt plan will drop for you per week, providing you hit tier 3. The week runs from atom shop reset to atom shop reset.
You can earn stamps from running expos. Using the stamps as currency, you can buy the plans from Giuseppe's Curios, instead of waiting for them to drop. It is recommended to purchase the cheaper plans from Giuseppe, to force the more expensive plans to drop for you for free.
Giuseppe can be found opposite Sophie Wagoner, in the common room, sharing a counter with Bubbles.
There is no limit to how many stamps you can earn per day, however, you can only hold a maximum of 10,000 per character.
Base Rewards
These are repeatable rewards.
Daily Bonus Stamps - Given once per day, for your first completed expo of the day.

Reward Checklist

Tax Evasion - Mission 1
11 plans
These plans will only drop from the Tax Evasion expo and can also be purchased from Giuseppe.
Plan: .44 Roulette Paint
Stamp Cost: 50
Image credit: SugarBombsRADS

Plan: Atlantic City Card Tables
Stamp Cost: 70

Plan: Atlantic City Dice Table
Stamp Cost: 70

Plan: Atlantic City Mechanical Derby Machine
Stamp Cost: 90

Plan: Atlantic City Roulette Table
Stamp Cost: 90

Plan: Atlantic City Slot Machines
Stamp Cost: 90

Plan: Lesser Devil Plushie
Stamp Cost: 90

Plan: Neopolitan Exterior Sign
Stamp Cost: 80

Plan: Nightclub Exterior Sign
Stamp Cost: 80

Plan: Quentino's Sign
Stamp Cost: 70

Plan: Slot Machine Podiums
Stamp Cost: 30

Plan: World's Biggest Slot Machine
Stamp Cost: 90

The Most Sensational Game - Mission 2
14 plans
These plans will only drop from The Most Sensational Game expo and can be purchased from Giuseppe.
Plan: Aquarium Pillar
Stamp Cost: 70

Plan: Aquarium Whale Display
Stamp Cost: 80

Plan: Atlantic City Sign
Stamp Cost: 80

Plan: Seasoned Survivor Outfit
Stamp Cost: 30

Plan: Game Show Sign
Stamp Cost: 80

Plan: Mezzanine Lights
Stamp Cost: 80

Plan: Overgrown Assault Rifle Paint
Stamp Cost: 50

Plan: Overgrown Deathclaw Gauntlet Paint
Stamp Cost: 50
Deathclaw Gauntlet and Unstoppable Monster

Plan: Overgrown Missile Launcher Paint
Stamp Cost: 50

Plan: Sea Animal Pillars
Stamp Cost: 70
Includes Dolphine Pillar, Octopus Pillar, Seahorse Pillar, and Starfish Pillar.

Plan: Showstopper Shotgun Paint
Stamp Cost: 50
Double-Barrel Shotgun only

Plan: Sunburst Sequin Dress
Stamp Cost: 30

Plan: Snake Wrangler Hat
Stamp Cost: 30

Plan: Snake Wrangler Outfit
Stamp Cost: 30

The Human Condition - Mission 3
11 plans
These plans will only drop from The Human Condition expo and can be purchased from Giuseppe.
Plan: Apocalyptic Farmer Headwear
Stamp Cost: 30

Plan: Apocalyptic Farmer Outfit
Stamp Cost: 50

Plan: Civil Engineer Underarmour*
Stamp Cost: 50
*Can also drop from Tax Evasion and Most Sensational Game Expos

Plan: Enforcer's Outfit
Stamp Cost: 50

Plan: Muni Drudger Outfit
Stamp Cost: 30

Plan: Muni Operator Outfit
Stamp Cost: 30

Plan: Muni Worker Outfit
Stamp Cost: 30

Plan: Overgrown Elder Tube
Stamp Cost: 90

Plan: Overgrown Pollinator Tube
Stamp Cost: 90

Plan: Overgrown Thorn Tube
Stamp Cost: 90

Plan: Overgrown Vehicle
Stamp Cost: 80

Civil Engineer Armour Mods
These plans will drop from all three Atlantic City Expos and can be purchased from Giuseppe.
Please refer to my Civil Engineering Armour guide for a full list.
Atlantic City Part 2 Rewards checklist
Downloadable copy here.

If you are looking for more detailed guides, please see below for the list of links:
Atlantic City Quests, New Locations, and Rewards
EXPO: The Human Condition (Mission 3) Guide
EXPO: The Human Condition Guide - Muni Supplies Locations
EXPO: The Human Condition Guide - Medical Supplies Locations
EXPO: The Human Condition Guide - Lost Dossier Locations
EXPO: The Human Condition Guide - Security Camera Locations
EXPO: The Human Condition Guide - Terminal Locations
Civil Engineer Body Armour Guide

Hi, I'm Kat or Duchess
I'm an Australian data miner who writes farming, event, and food buff guides for Fallout 76.
I believe that all knowledge and information should be free, which is why my guides will never be locked behind a paywall. However, running a website and photo and video editing software does not come cheaply.
So, If you found my guides helpful, please consider buying me a ko-fi (coffee) using the link below.
All monies go towards the tools for writing my guides and maybe for an actual cup of coffee or 3 ;)
Alternatively, share my guides with your fellow vault dwellers and help them to survive the wasteland.
I’ve heard you can get the Devils blood vials plan as a weekly expedition reward was wondering if you could confirm this please
I love your reviews! The included photos of what everything looks like really helps as well and is a big reason why I clicked on the link to your page and kept reading!
Awesome as always!